Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Celebrate the New Year by learning, letting go to make room for a better future

We all have the power to choose where we are going in our lives, which road will you take in 2012?
This year had its ups and downs, surely you can agree, but why not celebrate the New Year by learning, letting go to make room for a better future.  Take the good and leave the bad and remember - its only a mistake if you don't learn from it.

Why harbor on the misfortunes of the past, and the mistakes you have made.   Analyse why it happened to prevent it from happening in the future.  Recently, looking back at some of the events that "happened" to me, really were happening because of my attitude.  Oddly enough I found I am the one in the way of my unhappiness and often the cause of it.  With forty around the bend, alot of the "serious" stuff from my youth is water under the bridge.

Sometimes forgiving ourselves and putting pride to the side can relieve a lot of stress!

Life can make us stronger or break us, sometimes looking to the older generation can shed light in the dark areas of our lives. 

Letting go of  your grievances, pain, and fear.  Not allow your past to dictate your future brings hope and joy.  There are times we have to forgive the same person everyday for years, if it will give you peace, then do it.  You are the only person who gets hurt when you dont forgive, let go and move on.  Revenge makes you just like them.  Remember, God see's everything and he is the redemer!  Or Karma if that is your thing.  Personally, my belief is the former and the golden rule - to treat others how I would like to be treated.

You can never go wrong by having faith in people, no matter the outcome.  Losing faith in people seems to take the joy out of relationships.  Expecting greatness in all helps to make the world a better place.  I have never met a cynical person I wanted to befriend.

This is a new year, be the person you admire, change produces change!

So if you wake up to find yourself on the wrong path, take action!  Remember that this is a new year and everyday is a new day and new chance to be the person you admire.  You can get to where you want to be by doing what you have always done, otherwise you would already be there.  Only a change can produce the change you want in your life.  If you want more respect from others, give it to yourself first, then to others.  If you want people to love you, love them.  If you want to be heard, listen.  Simple, really?  Take a good long look in the mirror - would your fourteen year old self be happy with you?

In retrospect, this year has been great, I am alive and can feel joy and happiness everyday.  I have only to look out my window to watch the birds, pet my dog, or spend time with my husband and family to experience the best things in life.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dreams... A proclamation of Hope

Hope leads you to new horizons....

When I was little, I wanted to be a ballerina, then I "developed" and BOOM, no more ballerina.  Not that it mattered because I was certain that being a veterinarian was definitely what I was going to be.   Then I saw Indian Jones - Raiders of the Lost Ark, and I knew I was going to be an archeologist.  My dream lead me to write National Geographic, and ask what I needed to do to end up having my adventures of being an archeologist published in their magazine, as an employee.  What happened then almost crushed my dreams, they sent back a very discouraging letter, in a nutshell, being a part of their magazine would be nothing short of a miracle and I should choose more main stream studies, instead of archeology.

"Shoot for the moon.
Even if you miss it you will land among the stars."

-  Les Brown

Your dreams are not crazy, in the words of Les Brown,  "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars."either way it will be out of this world!

Never give up on your dreams.  Giving up on dreams, is like letting go of hope.  No you are not silly for having them!  Dreams change as we grow up and discover who we are, life happens, so change happen and dreams change.